Difference Between Appam and Paniyaram

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Appam and Paniyaram are two traditional breakfast dishes popular in South India. Both dishes are made from fermented rice batter and share some common ingredients. However, there are some differences in the ingredients, preparation, appearance, and taste of these two dishes. This article will explore the origin, ingredients, preparation, appearance, and taste of Appam and Paniyaram, to illustrate the differences between the two dishes.

Key Takeaways

Appam and paniyaram are two traditional South Indian dishes that have distinct differences.

  1. Appam is a pancake-like dish, whereas paniyaram is a spongy dumpling-like dish.
  2. Appam has a light, crispy texture, while paniyaram is soft and spongy.
  3. Appam is usually made with fermented rice and coconut milk, while paniyaram is usually made with fermented lentils and rice.
  4. Appam is usually cooked in a shallow pan or in a special round pan called a ‘appachatti’, while paniyaram is cooked in a special pan with small indentations.
  5. Appam can be served as a sweet or savoury dish, whereas paniyaram is usually served as a savoury dish.
  6. The ingredients used to make Appam vary depending on the region, while paniyaram is usually made with onions, chillies, and other spices.
  7. The taste of Appam and paniyaram also differs depending on the ingredients and how they are cooked.

Both Appam and paniyaram are popular dishes in South India and enjoyed by people of all ages.


Appam and paniyaram are both traditional South Indian dishes that have been part of the cuisine for centuries. Appam is believed to have originated in the state of Kerala, India, where it is a popular breakfast dish. It is a soft, fluffy pancake usually made from fermented rice batter and coconut milk. Paniyaram, on the other hand, is believed to have originated in Tamil Nadu, India, and is made by cooking a batter of rice and lentils in a special mould.

Both dishes are typically served with a variety of accompaniments, such as chutneys and sambar. Appam is usually served with a sweet coconut milk and sugar syrup called palada, while paniyaram is usually served with a spicy gravy or sambar.

The main difference between appam and paniyaram is in the texture and flavour. Appam is light and fluffy, while paniyaram is dense and chewy. Appam is usually sweet, while paniyaram is savoury. Appam is traditionally served as a breakfast dish, while paniyaram is more commonly served as a snack or side dish.

Appam is made by fermenting a batter of rice and coconut milk, while paniyaram is made by steaming a batter of rice and lentils. Appam is usually served in a circular shape, while paniyaram is usually served in a moulded shape. Appam is usually cooked in an appam karai, or appam pan, while paniyaram can be cooked in a paniyaram pan or a regular pan.


Ingredients used to make appam and paniyaram differ significantly. Appam is a traditional South Indian breakfast dish made from a batter of fermented rice and coconut milk. The batter is usually made from a mixture of raw rice, cooked rice, fenugreek seeds, and grated coconut. The batter is mixed with coconut milk, salt, and sugar, and left to ferment overnight. To prepare appam, the batter is poured into a hot pan and swirled quickly to form a round pancake. Paniyaram is also a traditional South Indian breakfast dish, but it is made from a different batter. The batter is usually made from a combination of urad dal, idli rice, and fenugreek seeds. It is soaked overnight and then ground into a fine paste. To make paniyaram, the batter is poured into a special pan with round depressions, similar to a muffin tin. The batter is then steamed until it is cooked through.

The three main ingredients used to make appam and paniyaram are:

  • Rice
  • Coconut milk
  • Urad dal

Although both dishes use similar ingredients, the proportions of each are different. Appam uses a higher proportion of rice and coconut milk, while paniyaram uses a higher proportion of urad dal. Additionally, the fermentation process used when making appam produces a softer, spongier texture compared to the denser texture of paniyaram. As a result, appam is often served with a range of accompaniments, such as coconut milk, stewed vegetables, and chutneys, while paniyaram is sometimes served with sambar or chutney.


Preparing appam and paniyaram requires different techniques and proportions of ingredients. Appam is a popular south Indian dish that is made by mixing rice flour, coconut milk, and sugar. The ingredients are mixed together and then poured into a special pan called an appa chatti or appam patra. The mixture is cooked on one side so that the edges become crispy. The cooked appam can be served with a variety of accompaniments such as coconut chutney, sambar, or stew.

Paniyaram is also a south Indian dish that is prepared using a mixture of rice and urad dal. The mixture is ground to a coarse paste and then steamed in a special pan called the paniyaram pan. The pan is divided into small sections, and the mixture is poured into each section individually. The paniyarams are then cooked until they are golden brown. They can be served with chutney or sambar.

The main difference between appam and paniyaram lies in the texture of the finished product. Appam is softer and more delicate, while paniyaram is crunchier and has a more solid texture. The difference also lies in the ingredients used in the preparation. Appam is made with rice flour, coconut milk, and sugar, while paniyaram is made with a mixture of rice and urad dal.


The appearance of appam and paniyaram differ significantly. Appam is a soft, white, circular pancake-like dish which is made from fermented rice flour batter with coconut and jaggery added. Paniyaram is a small, fried cake made from fermented black lentils and rice flour batter with spices and vegetables added.

  1. Appam: Soft, white, circular pancake-like dish
  2. Paniyaram: Small, fried cake
  3. Both: Fermented batter, spices, vegetables, and coconut/jaggery added.

Appam is cooked in a special pan that has many small, round depressions in it. The batter is poured into the depressions and cooked until the edges become crispy. Paniyaram is cooked in a special pan that has many small, round indentations in it. The batter is poured into the indentations and lightly fried until golden brown.

Appam is usually served for breakfast or as a snack. It is usually eaten with a variety of chutneys or curries. Paniyaram is usually served with sambar or chutney for breakfast or as a snack.

Appam batter is made from a mixture of rice flour and coconut milk. It is fermented overnight before cooking. Paniyaram batter is made from a mixture of cooked black lentils, rice flour, and spices. It is also fermented overnight before cooking.

The texture of appam is soft and delicate. It has a sweet taste due to the addition of jaggery. The texture of paniyaram is slightly crispy on the outside and soft on the inside. It has a savory flavor due to the spices and vegetables added.


Both dishes have distinct tastes due to the added ingredients. Appam is made with coconut milk, which gives it a slightly sweet taste. Paniyaram, on the other hand, is made with yogurt or curd, which gives it a sour taste. The other ingredients used to make these dishes can also affect their taste. For example, Appam is usually made with rice flour, while Paniyaram is usually made with semolina. Both dishes may also contain other ingredients such as fenugreek, chilli powder, coriander powder, and asafoetida, all of which contribute to their unique flavours.

The texture of the two dishes is also different. Appam has a soft, spongy texture, while Paniyaram has a crisp, crunchy texture. The way the dishes are cooked also affects their taste. Appam is usually made by steaming, while Paniyaram is usually made by deep-frying. This gives Appam a soft, fluffy texture, while Paniyaram has a crisp, crunchy texture.

In terms of nutrition, both dishes are high in carbohydrates, which makes them energy-rich snacks. The other ingredients used in the dishes can also add nutritional value. For example, Appam is usually made with coconut milk, which is a good source of calcium, while Paniyaram is usually made with yogurt or curd, which is a good source of protein.

Overall, Appam and Paniyaram have distinct tastes due to the ingredients used and the way they are cooked. Appam has a slightly sweet taste, while Paniyaram has a sour taste. Appam has a soft, spongy texture, while Paniyaram has a crisp, crunchy texture. Both dishes are high in carbohydrates, and can also contain other ingredients that add nutritional value.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is the Calorie Count of Appam and Paniyaram?

The calorie count of appam and paniyaram varies depending on the ingredients used in their preparation. Appam is a type of Indian pancake made from fermented rice and coconut milk batter. Paniyaram is a type of dumpling made from a batter of lentils, rice, and vegetables. Generally, appam contains more calories than paniyaram because of the higher amounts of rice and coconut milk used in the batter. Appam typically contains 120 to 150 calories, while paniyaram contains 50 to 70 calories. However, the calorie count of each will vary depending on the size of appam or paniyaram. Additionally, additional ingredients used in either dish will affect the calorie count. For example, adding vegetables, spices, or ghee will add calories to the dish.

Can Appam and Paniyaram Be Cooked Using a Microwave?

It is possible to cook Appam and Paniyaram using a microwave. The microwave can be used to heat the batter and cook the Appam and Paniyaram. However, it is important to note that the results may not be as good as when the Appam and Paniyaram are cooked using other methods. The texture and flavor of the Appam and Paniyaram will be affected by the method of cooking used. Therefore, it is recommended to cook Appam and Paniyaram using traditional methods to ensure the best results.

What Is the Shelf Life of Appam and Paniyaram?

The shelf life of appam and paniyaram depends on the ingredients used and the method of storage. Generally, appam and paniyaram can be stored in the refrigerator for up to two days, while they can be stored in the freezer for up to one month. For best results, it is recommended to store them in an airtight container. As both appam and paniyaram are made with fermented batter, they should not be kept at room temperature for more than two hours. Additionally, when reheating, it is best to do so in a microwave or oven, rather than on a stovetop, as this will help to maintain their texture and flavor.

Are Appam and Paniyaram Suitable for Vegan Diets?

Appam and Paniyaram are both popular traditional dishes originating from India. While Appam is made from fermented rice batter and coconut milk, Paniyaram is made from a combination of rice and lentils. Whether or not they are suitable for vegan diets depends on the ingredients used in the preparation of the dishes. Appam typically includes eggs, and unless a vegan-friendly substitute is used, this would not make it suitable for vegan diets. Paniyaram, on the other hand, can be made vegan-friendly by using only plant-based ingredients such as coconut oil, spices, and vegetables. Thus, while Appam may not be suitable for vegan diets, Paniyaram can be made vegan-friendly with the right ingredients.

What Is the Best Way to Serve Appam and Paniyaram?

Appam and paniyaram are traditional dishes that can be served in a variety of ways. Appam is a type of pancake made from fermented rice batter and coconut milk, while paniyaram is made from a similar batter with the addition of either savory or sweet ingredients. The best way to serve appam and paniyaram is to first prepare the batter, then cook in a special pan with round indentations. To serve, the appam and paniyaram can be lightly fried in oil or butter, and topped with a variety of condiments, such as chutneys, coconut milk, or sambar. Appam and paniyaram can also be served as a snack or side dish with a main course. They are best enjoyed when hot and crispy.


Conclusion: Appam and paniyaram are two traditional South Indian dishes. Both dishes are made from fermented rice and lentils, however, the ingredients and preparation vary depending on the region in which they are made. Appam is a pancake-like dish with a light, crispy texture, while paniyaram is a spongy dumpling-like dish. The taste of both dishes varies depending on the ingredients added and how they are cooked. Both are popular dishes in South India and are enjoyed by people of all ages.

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