Quest Bar vs Built Bar: A Comprehensive Comparison

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When it comes to protein bars, two names that often come to the forefront are Quest Bar and Built Bar. Both have garnered significant attention for their unique features and benefits. This article offers a detailed look into how they stack up against each other, focusing on their nutritional content, flavors, textures, and more.

What are Quest Bars and Built Bars?

Quest Bars are protein bars that prioritize high protein and fiber content. They are designed to cater to those who are looking for a snack or meal replacement that aligns with fitness goals and certain dietary needs. Typically, these bars use whey protein isolate as their primary protein source and are known for a vast array of flavors. They often feature a dense, chewy texture.

Built Bars are another protein bar brand that stands out for its unique texture and composition. They offer a light, fluffy texture, akin to marshmallow or nougat. The primary protein source in Built Bars is hydrolyzed collagen, and they aim to deliver a guilt-free indulgence with their dessert-like flavors.

What is the Main Difference Between Quest Bar and Built Bar?

The main difference between Quest Bar and Built Bar is that Quest Bars typically focus on high protein and fiber content with a variety of flavors and textures, often utilizing whey protein as a primary protein source and striving to minimize net carbohydrates. On the other hand, Built Bars are renowned for their distinctively light and fluffy texture, somewhat akin to a marshmallow or nougat, and primarily use hydrolyzed collagen as their protein source. Both bars have their own set of nutritional benefits and distinct flavor profiles, catering to different consumer preferences and dietary needs.

Key Differences Between Quest Bars and Built Bars

  1. Protein Source: Quest Bars use whey protein isolate as their primary protein source, whereas Built Bars use hydrolyzed collagen.
  2. Texture: Quest Bars have a dense and chewy texture, while Built Bars offer a light and fluffy consistency.
  3. Dietary Focus: Quest Bars often emphasize low net carbohydrates, making them popular among those following ketogenic or low-carb diets. Built Bars don’t specifically cater to this demographic.
  4. Flavor Range: Both brands offer a variety of flavors, but Built Bars are often regarded for their dessert-like flavors.
  5. Sugar Content: Built Bars tend to use glycerin and erythritol as sweeteners, while Quest Bars utilize allulose and stevia.
  6. Fiber Source: Quest Bars often use isomalto-oligosaccharides (IMO) as a fiber source, whereas Built Bars might not focus as heavily on fiber content.
  7. Caloric Content: On average, Built Bars might be lower in calories than many Quest Bar options.
  8. Popularity: While both are popular, Quest Bars have been in the market longer and might have broader name recognition.
  9. Dietary Restrictions: Some Quest Bars might cater more to vegan or dairy-free consumers, while most Built Bars may not due to their collagen content.

Key Similarities Between Quest Bars and Built Bars

  1. Purpose: Both bars are designed as protein supplements, meant to assist with dietary and fitness goals.
  2. Portable: Both are convenient and easy to carry, making them perfect for on-the-go snacking.
  3. Natural Sweeteners: Both brands avoid traditional refined sugars, opting for alternative sweeteners.
  4. Protein Content: Both aim to provide a significant amount of protein per bar, though the exact amount can vary by flavor and brand.
  5. Gluten-Free: Both Quest Bars and Built Bars are typically gluten-free, catering to those with certain dietary restrictions.
  6. Consumer Base: Both brands target health-conscious consumers looking for tasty yet nutritious snack options.
  7. Flavor Variety: Both brands pride themselves on offering a wide range of flavors to cater to diverse taste preferences.

Features of Quest Bar vs Built Bar

  1. Protein Content: Quest Bars typically use whey protein isolate, a complete protein source. Built Bars, on the other hand, feature hydrolyzed collagen as their primary protein.
  2. Texture: Quest Bars are recognized for their dense and chewy consistency, while Built Bars stand out for their light and marshmallow-like texture.
  3. Flavor Diversity: Both bars offer a variety of flavors, but Quest Bars might lean more towards traditional protein bar flavors, whereas Built Bars often mimic dessert-like tastes.
  4. Dietary Focus: Quest Bars are designed with a low net carbohydrate content, making them ideal for ketogenic or low-carb dieters. Built Bars don’t emphasize this aspect as strongly.
  5. Fiber and Sweeteners: Quest Bars typically utilize isomalto-oligosaccharides (IMO) for fiber and employ allulose and stevia as sweeteners. Built Bars use glycerin and erythritol as their primary sweeteners.
  6. Caloric Content: Built Bars generally have a lower caloric value when compared to Quest Bars, which might be a deciding factor for those counting calories.
  7. Dietary Catering: Quest Bars provide options that might cater to vegan or dairy-free consumers, while Built Bars, due to their collagen content, may not be suitable for vegans or vegetarians.
  8. Brand Presence: Quest Bars have been on the market for a longer time and might be more widely recognized, while Built Bars have carved a niche with their unique texture and flavor profiles.

Advantages of Quest Bars Over Built Bars

  1. Protein Source: Quest Bars utilize whey protein isolate, a complete protein source that contains all nine essential amino acids, ensuring optimal muscle protein synthesis.
  2. Dietary Flexibility: With flavors catering to vegan or dairy-free consumers, Quest Bars might offer options for those with specific dietary restrictions.
  3. Fiber Content: Quest Bars often emphasize higher fiber through the use of isomalto-oligosaccharides (IMO), which can support digestive health.
  4. Market Presence: Having been in the market for a longer duration, Quest Bars may offer a sense of reliability and trust to some consumers.
  5. Low Net Carbs: Designed with a focus on low net carbohydrates, Quest Bars are a suitable choice for individuals on ketogenic or low-carb diets.
  6. Texture Variety: Quest Bars provide a dense and chewy texture, which might be preferable for consumers who enjoy a more substantial bite in their protein bars.

Limitations of Quest Bars Compared to Built Bars

  1. Caloric Content: Quest Bars might have a higher calorie count compared to some Built Bars, potentially posing a concern for those on stricter caloric intakes.
  2. Sugar Alternatives: The use of allulose in some Quest Bars might not sit well with everyone’s digestive system.
  3. Dense Texture: The chewy consistency, while loved by many, might be too heavy for those who prefer a lighter, more dessert-like texture.
  4. Collagen Absence: Unlike Built Bars, Quest Bars do not contain hydrolyzed collagen, which has been associated with skin, nail, and joint health benefits.
  5. Flavor Profile: Some might find Quest Bars to have a stronger protein aftertaste compared to the dessert-like flavors of Built Bars.
  6. Price Point: Depending on the region and retailer, Quest Bars might occasionally be pricier than Built Bars.

Advantages of Built Bars Over Quest Bars

  1. Unique Texture: Built Bars boast a light and fluffy texture akin to nougat or marshmallow, providing a distinct and dessert-like mouthfeel.
  2. Hydrolyzed Collagen: As a primary protein source, collagen can offer additional benefits such as supporting skin, nail, and joint health.
  3. Caloric Content: Many Built Bars are lower in calories than Quest Bars, which can be beneficial for those monitoring their caloric intake.
  4. Dessert Flavors: Built Bars are known for their dessert-inspired flavors, catering to those looking for indulgence without the guilt.
  5. Sweeteners: The use of glycerin and erythritol as primary sweeteners might be preferable for some individuals compared to the sweeteners used in Quest Bars.
  6. Price Point: Depending on the region and promotions, Built Bars might sometimes offer a more competitive price compared to Quest Bars.

Limitations of Built Bars Compared to Quest Bars

  1. Protein Completeness: While hydrolyzed collagen is beneficial, it’s not a complete protein source like the whey protein isolate found in Quest Bars.
  2. Dietary Focus: Built Bars do not emphasize low net carbohydrates as prominently as Quest Bars, potentially making them less suitable for ketogenic or low-carb dieters.
  3. Fiber Content: Built Bars may not focus as heavily on fiber content, which is a highlight for Quest Bars.
  4. Dietary Restrictions: Due to their collagen content, Built Bars may not cater as well to vegan or vegetarian consumers.
  5. Market Duration: Being newer in the market compared to Quest Bars, some consumers might be less familiar with the Built Bar brand.
  6. Protein Quantity: Some Built Bars may have slightly less protein content per bar compared to certain Quest Bar variants.

Scenarios Favoring Quest Bars Over Built Bars

  1. Ketogenic Diet: If you’re adhering to a strict ketogenic diet, Quest Bars, with their low net carb focus, might be a more fitting choice.
  2. Complete Protein Source: For those seeking a complete protein source with all essential amino acids, Quest Bars, with whey protein isolate, would be ideal.
  3. Higher Fiber Intake: Individuals looking to increase their daily fiber intake may lean towards Quest Bars due to their isomalto-oligosaccharides (IMO) content.
  4. Vegan or Dairy-Free Options: For consumers in need of vegan or dairy-free protein bar choices, certain Quest Bars cater to these preferences.
  5. Post-Workout Recovery: After an intense workout, the whey protein in Quest Bars can be more effective for muscle recovery.
  6. Brand Familiarity: Those who have been consuming protein bars for a longer time and value brand longevity might gravitate towards Quest Bars due to their longer market presence.

Scenarios Favoring Built Bars Over Quest Bars

  1. Dessert-Like Experience: If you’re in the mood for a bar that mimics a light dessert in terms of texture and flavor, Built Bar would be the pick.
  2. Collagen Benefits: Individuals prioritizing skin, nail, and joint health might choose Built Bars for their hydrolyzed collagen content.
  3. Lower Caloric Intake: For those strictly monitoring their daily caloric intake, many Built Bars, being lower in calories than Quest Bars, would be apt.
  4. Taste Variety: If you’re adventurous and wish to explore dessert-inspired flavors, the diverse range of Built Bars might appeal more.
  5. Digestive Preferences: People who prefer or require glycerin and erythritol as sweeteners might find Built Bars more digestively agreeable.
  6. Budget Constraints: Depending on promotions and regional pricing, consumers might find Built Bars to be a more economical option compared to Quest Bars at times.


How do the sugar contents in Quest Bars and Built Bars compare?
While both bars use sugar alternatives to maintain lower sugar content, Quest Bars often employ allulose and stevia, whereas Built Bars use glycerin and erythritol.

Are there any allergens to be aware of in either bar?
Both bars might contain allergens depending on the flavor, such as nuts or dairy. It’s essential to check the ingredient list for specific flavors if you have allergies.

How often do both brands release new flavors or variants?
Both brands tend to release new flavors or limited-edition variants, though the frequency can vary. It’s a good idea to subscribe to their newsletters or follow them on social media for updates.

Can I use these bars as meal replacements?
While both bars are nutritious, they’re designed to be snacks or supplements and not full meal replacements. It’s always recommended to consume them as part of a balanced diet.

How should I store Quest Bars and Built Bars to maintain freshness?
Both bars should be stored in a cool, dry place. Avoid exposing them to extreme temperatures or direct sunlight to maintain their texture and flavor.

Do either of these bars use GMO ingredients?
Both Quest and Built Bars emphasize the use of non-GMO ingredients, but it’s always beneficial to check the packaging or the brand’s official website for specific product details.

Quest Bar vs Built Bar Summary

In the world of protein bars, Quest Bar and Built Bar stand as prominent contenders. Each has its strengths, catering to different dietary needs and preferences. Whether you prioritize a low net carbohydrate content, specific protein sources, or unique flavors, understanding the features of each can help you make an informed choice. As with any nutritional product, it’s essential to consider individual dietary needs and consult with a nutritionist if unsure. Both bars offer quality and taste, ensuring there’s something for everyone.

AttributesQuest BarBuilt Bar
Protein ContentWhey protein isolateHydrolyzed collagen
TextureDense and chewyLight and marshmallow-like
Flavor DiversityTraditional protein bar flavorsDessert-inspired flavors
Dietary FocusLow net carbohydrate contentNot specifically low-carb
Sweeteners & FiberAllulose, stevia & isomalto-oligosaccharidesGlycerin and erythritol
Caloric ContentGenerally higherGenerally lower
Dietary CateringVegan or dairy-free optionsNot suitable for vegans due to collagen
Brand PresenceLonger market presenceNiche presence with unique flavors
Pros over the otherSuitable for ketogenic diet, higher fiberDessert-like experience, collagen benefits
Cons compared to otherHigher caloric valueNot suitable for vegans
SimilaritiesBoth have a variety of flavors, non-GMO focusBoth have a variety of flavors, non-GMO focus
Situations better suitedPost-workout, ketogenic dietDessert craving, collagen intake
Quest Bar vs Built Bar Summary
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